Proper maintenance of your motor bike is important to keep it in tip top condition and running for a long time. As an owner and operator of a motorized vehicle you will soon learn that regularly servicing your motor bike will ensure that everything works to the best of its ability and therefore keeps you on the road and safe. This article will provide a comprehensive lists of things to check (and how often to check them) so that you are ensured that you will be able to use your bike for a long time.
The first thing you must stay on top of is your tires. What kind of condition are they in? You want to check them to see if they look worn, or if metal is coming through. If metal is showing, it is time for new tires. You also want to check the air pressure. Are the tires fully inflated? The next thing to check on your motor bike is the brakes. This is very important. Are the brake pads showing wear? Are the pads still thick? Again, check the brake pads to see if any metal is showing through. If it is, it is time to replace them. Is your brake fluid low? The brake fluid is responsible for lubricating the brakes so that they can stay in good launch crp123, working condition. You will need to replace the fluid about once a year.
Now that you have the brake and tire checks out of the way, there are a few more equally important maintenance checks to do. Another important component of your motor bike is the battery. Because it is a huge inconvenience to get stranded somewhere, you want to make sure that your battery has enough juice to get you where you are going and back. Checking the fluids in your battery can be done monthly. There are other fluids that you will want to check as well. Fuel is one, of course. It is a good idea to replace the fuel filters every 2 years or so. Next, there is motor oil. Depending on the size of the engine on your motor bike you want to maintain a healthy level of oil. This can mean oil changes either every three months or every 3000 miles, similar to any other motorized vehicle. These oil changes will replace the used oil and replace it with fresh oil that will not clog up the tubes and lines on your bike.
When performing an oil change, or when having it done at a shop, make sure you do not neglect the belt drives and shaft drives. You want to make sure that these are clean and not out of shape. When hopping on your motor bike to go for a ride, you want to first ask yourself, "What condition is the chain in?" A general rule of thumb is to lube up your chain every time you fill up on gas launch x431 v+. This will keep it in workable condition and keep it from stretching out of shape or worse, rusting. Lubing your chain can be done fairly quickly and save you money on having to replace the chain often. In conclusion, it may seem overwhelming at first to stay on top of everything your motor bike needs, but the more you practice these checks, the more they will become second nature. Soon you will be able to sit back and enjoy the ride, knowing that you will be safe and that your bike will last a long time!
Gerard Malouf is a leading Personal Injury Lawyer with over 26 years experience in Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation ClaimsRelated Links