Hopefully it may never be an issue in your automotive ownership or driving career yet what is his proper and correct use of a fire extinguisher in a car or truck?
You may well have been driving down the highway or road on your daily or vacation travels and either seen a fire truck with the fireman dousing an auto fire, or alternatively seen a vehicle with smoke (not steam) billowing out from under an open or closed hood and thought "there for the grace of the lord go me" launch x431 master. Yet few automobile owners are trained in the emergency use of a fire extinguisher for the or car or truck or other sort of vehicle. Few know what to do in this emergency auto procedure other than call 911, the fire department of motor league with their cell phone and wait - all the while their vehicle burns to a toasted charred and rusted wreck. What steps and procedures should you do in the face of an automobile fire or emergency?
First of all always be on the alert. An acrid smell or sudden failure of one or more electrical components may well be the only warning that you as a driver receive that fire may be about to strike Creader VI. Immediately pull off the road or highway, turn off the ignition. Get all passengers (and even pets) out from the vehicle and far away from it.
To smother flames inside the passenger compartment aim an ABC fire extinguisher through an open door or window. Proper procedure is to hold it upright, and direct the nozzle correctly at the base of the fire, not at the apparent flames or spreading flames. Press the lever on the fire extinguisher and spray fully with a sweeping side to side motion.
Like dealing with any other fire or fire emergency it always pays to be thorough and patient. Don't assume anything. Wait a few minutes, or longer, after the fire appears to be extinguished and out. If the fire rekindles, and raises its ugly head, repeat the procedure fully and completely. If flames have broken out in the engine compartment s, get far away from the vehicle itself. If it is smoking raise the hood of the automobile, disconnect the negative battery cable at the battery terminal itself to allow hot wiring of the car or truck's electrical system to cool fully and completely down. Use the extinguisher or perhaps extinguishers if other assisting motorists also have their vehicles, and yours is now empty, to snuff out still smoldering components completely and fully.
Lastly a word of great caution which should be indelibly etched into your mind's eye. Everyone wants to be a hero. Yet if the fire in or around your vehicle , or in an emergency situation as you may encounter on a roadside and trying to be of help and assistance is anywhere at all near the fuel tank or involved spilled gas or diesel fuels on the road ,take great and additional care. Move at least 500 feet (150 meters) from the vehicle and summon help. Simple as that. A more major and larger automotive fire may be beyond your skill and expertise. After all it is only a car, truck or Sports Utility SUV. Even if the new car is your pride and joy it is not worth a life or major burns to yourself or other persons on the accident scene.
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