March always brings some degree of relief from the cold weather; and well it should, as it also ushers in the vernal equinox. Even so, it's quite a volatile month, as it can favor us with the best of spring, or throw the worst of winter at us. So, one day, you may think that it's safe to get the picnic table out, and the next, you're wearing your heavy coat, scarf, and gloves.
April, however, is a different story, because, at least, it has a few guarantees. Besides giving us showers and flowers, it definitely will get warmer; and millions of people will be dying to fire up their grills again. Although this is understandable, if a grill has been in storage since last fall, it has probably been visited by rodents and bugs that were seeking a winter home. While they may very well have caused some damage, the grill may also have fallen into disrepair simply from standing idle.
If this is the case with your grill, examine it thoroughly before using it Launch CReader VIII, to see that it is in top working order, and ready for another season of safe grilling. On a gas grill, inspect the tubes leading into the burner for blockages that may have been caused by spiders, insects, or grease. If you find a clog, use a pipe cleaner to push it through to the main part of the burner, where you can remove it. A wire will work as well, but it can also damage the tube if you're not careful. Make sure that the hoses have not become brittle, and that there are no cracks, holes, leaks, or sharp bends in them.
Check the gas cylinders for leaks, too; and don't count on being able to smell gas escaping. Apply a light solution of soap and water to the hose, and look for bubbles. If you find a leak, and there is no flame, turn off the gas tank and grill, make sure that the leak stops, and have it serviced by a professional before you use it. If the leak doesn't stop, call the fire department launch x431 v+. Likewise, if you begin to smell gas while you are cooking, get away from the grill, and call the fire department.
If your gas cylinder was manufactured after April 2002, it will have an overfill protection device (OPD) that will shut off the gas flow before it reaches capacity, which will decrease the potential for the release of propane gas if the cylinder heats up. You can identify the OPD by its triangular hand wheel.
Inspect your grill now, so that it will be ready for the busy days ahead. Even if you're getting a new one, remember that there will be things to learn about it, and precautions to take. So always read the owner's manual, and follow all of the manufacturer's set-up and maintenance instructions and safety guidelines.
Naturally, you'll also want your picnic table to be prepared for heavy use.
If it's not, just go to and choose a new one from their awesome assortment.
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tables and outdoor furniture, visit . To contact a design consultant or customer
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