In the ever decreasing economy, the number of car thefts and other crimes is beginning to rise on a gradual basis but rise nonetheless. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report not too long ago detailing when cars are most likely to be stolen and what days your car is least likely to be stolen. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, people need to double check what is inside their car and whether or not their car is locked before they walk away from it in a large parking lot.
Thieves are more prone to target cars in store parking lots that have visible packages inside them that appear to be holiday gifts. Why? Because more than likely those packages contain expensive gifts such as IPODs, MP3 players, CD players, DVD players, cell phones, digital cameras, laptops and video game systems launch x431 v. The thieves will not only get away with a new vehicle that they can strip and sell parts to chop shops but they now have expensive items they can keep for themselves or turn around and sell on the street launch x431 v pro.
Always, always make sure your car is locked and any packages inside are hidden from view. Place them in the trunk or if the trunk is full, make sure they cannot be seen by the naked eye if they are inside the car. The report released recently by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that your car is least likely to be stolen on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
The report also warns that thieves do not take a holiday so do not let your guard down on those days. Even though the stats show that those three days are the lightest in stolen vehicle volume, it can still happen. Always lock your car doors; even if you are just running into the local supermarket to grab a gallon milk or a carton of ice cream. Those few minutes can change your life. You could come outside and find that your car is gone.
Preventing auto theft can be done and it can't be done. You can prevent auto theft by locking your doors, closing your windows, having a security system on the car, and not keeping expensive items in the car when you are not in it. If you have a GPS system or an IPOD, do not leave them on the seat, the dashboard, or on a console for everyone walking by the vehicle to see plain as day. Lock them in the glove box or carry them with you. Also, make sure your car has a car alarm system. This can alert people in the area to any attempted thefts.
In the sense that car thefts cannot be prevented; you can only do so much. If you keep expensive items out of sight, have a car alarm, and lock your doors, if thieves want to steal your car they will. It's plain and simple; if they need a car, they will find a way to steal one, even if it is locked and the windows are closed tight.
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